Mason County Hospice - Serenity Point Hospice

Serenity Point Hospice offers exceptional hospice care in Mason County which include an Interdisciplinary Team that includes nurses, social workers, counselors, physicians, clergy, home care aids, volunteers and other health professionals trained to support you and the care that is delivered.

Hospice staff are available 24 hours a day seven days a week. A local hospice nurse will always be on call and can access other team members as necessary. Call anytime you feel a need.
Care will be focused on your needs and wishes. A wide range of services are available to enhance your quality of life and to control such symptoms as pain and anxiety. We expect you and your caregivers to take part in meeting your care needs. You have the right to refuse any treatment or service offered and we will support you in your choices.

Hospice will coordinate with other providers both in the home and the nursing facility in Mason County to assure all efforts are coordinated and support the objectives outlined in your plan of care.
Hospice services have been designed to be delivered in situations where there is a caregiver available in the home on a continuous basis to make sure patient needs and safety are met. Hospice helps caregivers take the very best care of the patient. If you do not currently have a caregiver, options will be discussed. In an emergency, such as an ice storm, hospice staff may not be able to get to your home to provide care. In such situations, qualified family members may step in and provide necessary services such as personal care as outlined in the plan of care and documented in the patient chart.

The primary goal of Serenity Point Hospice is to provide quality care and peace of mind matter most, Choose Serenity Point Hospice in Mason County Illinois. We are the experts in end-of-life care. Mason County’s Leading Hospice Provider. Experts in comfort and symptom management with over 80 years combined experience providing services to the rural community.